Why Is My Female Puppy Peeing Every 5 Minutes? [Vet Tips & Advice]
If you are dealing with a puppy peeing regularly, you can take him to the vet for a checkup. Because, according to experienced vets, they have enough ability to hold the urine for a few hours.
Why Is My Female Puppy Peeing Every 5 Minutes? If you have a female puppy peeing after every five minutes, she could have some complications in the bladder or might be suffering from some illness related to the kidney. This situation can also arise when they have an infection.
But regular urination is undoubtedly a problem for the dog as they might suffer from any disease or pain.
If your puppy is urinating more often, check to see if she’s eating or drinking enough. If so, she may be more active than usual and burning through the water more quickly than average.
She might be more active if you’ve recently introduced her to new toys or playmates, so try giving her a little time to relax. On the other hand, if she gets plenty of exercise and eats well, her frequent urination might be another reason.
Table of Contents
- Why Does My Female Puppy Pee So Much?
- How to deal with a puppy’s regular peeing?
- Why Is My Puppy Peeing So Much All Of A Sudden?
- Why Does My Puppy Keep Peeing In Small Amounts?
Why Does My Female Puppy Pee So Much?
It’s normal for female puppies to pee a lot when they’re in heat. This is because their bodies make extra hormones that cause them to pee more often and forcefully. They’ll usually go through a heat around 6-9 months old, then reoccurs about once a year, on average.
Luckily, the symptoms of going into heat will eventually end, and your puppy should return to her normal routine. But regular and excessive peeing, say after every five minutes, is not normal.
- You should take this situation seriously, as your puppy could suffer from illness or infection. They can also be severe pain.
- This could also have a harmful effect on the health of the puppies. Female puppies also pee a lot when they’re in the early stages of pregnancy, and some will even start to show symptoms like cramps and mood changes and begin making modified nests for their babies.
- Also, urinary tract infection is common in pups, which can cause the puppy a frequent urge to pee. Another reason why they feel like peeing every minute can be because of kidney problems.
- Although the dog might be suffering from kidney problems such as kidney stones, it is treatable, and medicines can quickly solve this problem.
puppies diary
How to deal with a puppy’s regular peeing?
It is challenging to deal with them if you think they are not in pain and do not have any infection. Peeing is a problem both for the owner and the dog. You will find dog pee everywhere, which is disgusting for every house member.
Moreover, your house will start having a foul smell of pee. In that condition, living becomes miserable. But do not worry, as there are ways to reduce peeing with these tips and advice.
- Decrease the number of snacks fed to your pup.
It sounds counterintuitive, but eating stimulates the production of urine. If you’re giving your puppy three meals per day, provide her twice a day instead and see if she does better.
- Increase the amount of water you give to your pup.
Providing more water can help dilute whatever is inside, so it doesn’t come out as often!
- Add healthy vegetables and meats
Take away one treat during mealtime and replace it with something healthy, like vegetables or lunch meat. Checking with the vet is always a good idea.
- Do not keep puppies for long periods in the crate
It is essential that your pup not be left in a crate for extended periods because she may be holding her urine until she is allowed to go outside.
Take her out more often during the day, at least every hour or two, primarily if you work full-time. You might even consider taking her out with you. If you can’t do that, ask someone else to let her out for you periodically.
Use a pee post rather than allowing your pup to choose where she pees. If you use a pee post, clean it with an enzymatic cleaner made for dog urine or vinegar and water.
You can apply vinegar straight to the spot when you see your dog is about to pee in that spot, but you need the enzymatic cleaner or vinegar/water solution to prevent odor in between cleanings.
Don’t use incontinence pads. They are uncomfortable for your dog, and the scent of her urine on them may make your puppy think it’s okay to go there in the future.
- Do not keep accident puppies in the crate
Avoid putting your dog in the crate when she has an accident. However, if you do, be sure to clean it thoroughly.
- Don’t leave food or water in the crate with your dog
This is one of the most common causes that generate the problem of their overeating and drinking too much. They do not understand that her bladder doesn’t get empty in her sleep. If you do, she might begin peeing when she wakes up.
Keep controlled-release medications (safe for humans, too) away from your pup when she’s in her crate because they can cause bathroom accidents when already leashed up or left alone in the house overnight.
Why Is My Puppy Peeing So Much All Of A Sudden?
In the early stages of a puppy’s life, its peeing habits are often problematic, and this can cause unnecessary anxiety in both the owner and the dog. However, well-trained puppies will usually stop going in circles and start going to appropriate spots in the house after a while.
The following blog post discusses general advice for owners who have trained their dogs not to mark or pee outside designated areas.
It includes what you should avoid saying to your dog during these panic-inducing moments and some helpful tips for helping them learn appropriate behavior from day one.
Despite being house-trained, many dogs will still have a few accidents. This is perfectly normal and usually a result of a change in routine.
For example, a dog who usually goes out first thing in the morning may decide to wait until you’ve woken up and let them outside. Accidents can be caused by illness or your dog marking its territory as a protest.
In rare cases, there could be an underlying medical issue causing your puppy to go inside the house. The vet will let you know if this is likely or if medical treatment will be necessary to treat the underlying cause.
If your puppy has frequent accidents inside the house, it’s essential to understand why they are doing it. Although many factors can cause them to do this, including illness or separation anxiety, most dogs will use the house as a toilet if they’re bored.
Dogs tend to express themselves by urinating or defecating rather than verbally telling you they want something to do. Giving them attention when they’ve just done their business inside the house will only reinforce their behavior.
Why Does My Puppy Keep Peeing In Small Amounts?
If your pup is relieving himself of peeing in small quantities, you should keep a closer eye on where he goes and restrict him to a specific area for his potty breaks.
You can also consider these things:
1. Medical Issues
The dog may have a urinary tract infection or suffer from another condition that affects its bladder and bowel movements. If the pet is straining to urinate or defecate, your veterinarian will need to look into this further by performing some tests and examinations.
2. Pain
Peeing in small amounts can be a sign of pain, possibly because of an injury or condition hampering the dog’s movement. If you notice this behavior, it is best to bring the dog to the vet for some tests.
3. The Dog May Be Suffering From Stress
Stressful events include:
- Changes like new additions to the family.
- Moving into a new house or apartment.
- Even attending training classes for basic obedience commands that you might want your pet to learn.
If your pup is suffering from these kinds of situations, perhaps it is best to consult with your vet about how this may affect him physically and mentally.
4. Discipline And Training
Even if your pup does his best to potty after outdoor time, it might not be possible. Maybe he has not been appropriately trained to go outside and cannot tell you when he needs to go, or it could be that he cannot do so.
So as you notice these behaviors in your pup, see what those behaviors may mean to you as a pet owner. If those behaviors continue, it is best to consult your vet about any underlying issues.