Canine Epilepsy Stages

Canine Epilepsy Symptoms, Stages, Diagnosis, And Treatment Process [Vet Advice]

Health conditions like canine epilepsy, are unavoidable. Nearly 5-7% of the estimated 89.7 million dogs in the United States suffer from epilepsy, experiencing recurrent seizures. Although the condition affects dogs of all breeds and sizes, some breeds, like Belgian Shepherds and Beagles, have a higher predisposition. If your dog is one of the 5 million…

Dog Constipation

Understanding The Dog Constipation Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Constipation refers to infrequent, difficult, or seemingly incomplete defecation in dogs. Constipation affects approximately 13.5% of the 90 million pet dogs in the United States – over 12 million dogs. A 2022 clinical trial at the University of Tennessee Veterinary Medical Center tested a probiotic strain to prevent constipation in dogs. The probiotic helped increase…

Earthdog Breeds Training

Facts Of Earthdog Breeds Training, Trails And Test [Expert Advice]

Earthdog trials have been around since the early 1980s to test dogs’ instincts for going underground and hunting quarry. These exciting events allow dogs to showcase their talents in simulated underground tunnels while their handlers evaluate their working abilities.  Dogs as small as 10 pounds up to 20 inches tall can compete, including Cairn Terriers,…

Beagle Cocker Spaniel Mix

Characteristics And Life Expectancy Of Beagle Cocker Spaniel Mix (Bocker)

The Beagle Cocker Spaniel mix, also known as the “Bocker,” is a popular crossbreed that combines the best traits of both parent breeds. Taking after their Beagle parent, Bockers have a strong sense of smell and love exploring the outdoors. They can be pretty vocal at times with a loud baying bark. Bockers form close…

Dog Foot Licking Behavior

The Science Behind Dog Foot Licking Behavior [63% of Dogs Can’t Resist]

Dog foot licking is a kind of behavior. Why does your dog feel compelled to smooch your smelly toes and soles? Research shows that 63% of dogs exhibit this impulse, driven by scientific reasons. A 2013 study by Hartpury University in the UK observed a group of dogs licking their owners’ feet. The researchers found…