Why is my dog always hungry on a raw diet?

Usually, pets visit their food plate from time to time and check what they have to eat there. They are not hungry. They seek something to eat as time pass. So it would be best if you were not worried about your dog.

Why is my dog always hungry on a raw diet? It is expected behavior in the dog when they are fed raw meat. Dog likes the flavor of raw food; thus, they look for more of it. Your dog might not be hungry but may look for more from you because of the craving taste. 

It is okay if the dog is looking for extra food.

Why is my dog always hungry on a raw diet

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Raw diet for dogs

Raw diet for dogs is getting popular among pet owners. Dog food sold in the marketplace contains various chemicals in preservatives. These chemicals are harmful to dogs. 

It is still controversial in many countries where owners should feed raw dog food. But one thing is clear, the dog loves raw food. Especially the meat-based diet. Hence, avoiding such food is a wise decision any owner can make for their dog. 

The right diet plan helps in improving health and contributes to faster growth. Generally, raw food comprises meat, fruits, vegetables, and bones. Combining them in proper quantities would provide the necessary nutrition to the dog. 

Type of raw food you can include in the diet plan

  • Muscle meat
  • Bones, whole or ground
  • Take some portion of organ meats that have livers and kidneys.
  • Mix raw eggs in the other natural food and offer that to the dog.
  • Offer vegetables such as broccoli, celery, and spinach.
  • Apples and fruits. You can also have other fruits in the diet.

Why a raw diet made my dog sick?

A raw diet is great for the pet. It offers to require nutrients and protein. The only problem with the raw diet is handling and proceeding. In most of the country, meat goes through several processes. 

During the factory, the meat is touched by many workers who pass the various types of bacteria from the meat. When the raw meat reaches your pet’s plate, it will have many colonies of harmful bacteria. 

Why a raw diet made my dog sick

Contaminated food is the reason behind bacterial infection. Therefore, offering raw food could affect the health of the pet. Sickness could occur overnight if you provide the meat stored in the refrigerator for quite a long time. Most foods contain Salmonella and E.Coli backteria. 

They make your pet sick by affecting vital organs. The immune system will take some time to recover from the shock. You should meet the veteran if the dog is not showing improvement. 

Another problem with raw food is bacteria transmission. Food eaten by the dog would have bacteria that could get sprayed in the home. 

There are possibilities that your dog may not get sick, but those bacteria will find their way into the house. Fever is the first sign of bacterial infection if transmitted to humans. 

So be aware of your activities and avoid feeding raw food as much as possible to your pet. Instead, cook the raw food for a while on the stove and then offer it to the pet. The heat will kill the bacteria, and most of the contamination will be eliminated.

Prepare raw food for dogs

puppies diary

Not sufficient to fulfill the nutrient

Some experts believe offering raw diet food to the pet is insufficient to fulfill your pet’s nutrient needs. Nutritionally balanced nutrition is vital for the growth of your pet. 

Unless you know the diet plan formula contains sufficient raw food to fulfill the health requirement, you should not rely on raw food for your pet. Less nutrition will affect their health. 

Also, the pet will face frequent illnesses due to a weak immune system. Before going on a completely raw food diet for your pet, please consult with the veteran and get the proper diet plan for them. If the diet leads to a health problem, the veteran will help you prevent food-related issues.

Video Credit – Paws of Prey

Can you mix raw and cooked dog food?

Yes. It is okay to mix raw and cooked dog food. You can incorporate cooked chicken with the other raw ingredients. Meat with vegetables will go along. It will enhance the taste of the food and make your dog enjoy some new recipes. 

Put the meat in a large portion and vegetables in less than that to nullify the taste of the vegetable. The pet may not show interest in eating only vegetable-based food, so it is always recommended to have meat and vegetable together.

Can you mix raw and cooked dog food?

Remember that the food you offer should be in the right portion. An imbalance may cause several health problems. 

Too much protein or nutrition is also bad for the pet’s health. Therefore, avoid adding a considerable amount of cooked and raw food to the pet. 

Besides that, be aware of the taste of the food. Too many mixes and ingredients will cause the food to taste bad. Even if it is good for the dog, the pet may become disinterested after eating the first bite. 

The taste of the food is more important to make your pet enticed for it. If the pet finds it sour, he will not eat it. The process of making the diet food healthy will be wasted. So use only two or three raw food ingredients when mixing it.

Read More About :- https://www.puppiesdiary.com/is-animal-fat-good-for-dogs/

Raw diet for dogs before and after

Raw diet food is organic food that wild animals find in their natural habitat. The raw food concept is not new for pet owners. 

It has been practiced for a very long time. Recently it has gained popularity after the awareness spread in the country. 

  • Dogs are also wild animals and have survived only on raw foods in the jungles for centuries. Thus, dogs’ foods are developed in a way that they can eat and digest the flesh without any trouble. 
  • Even though a large portion of the meat-based diet contains various types of bacteria, the food served to the pet would not affect the health. 
  • Several suppliers of raw food for a pet take measures to keep the food fresh and germs-free. The packaging helps the food to stay away from human contact. However, these bacteria could make humans sick easily.

A raw diet for the pet will have a significant change in the pet’s growth. 

Especially weight growth will be visible within a few weeks of starting the diet plan. The best way to find the raw diet’s impact on your pet is to start measuring the change. 

Before applying the raw diet to your pet, take essential measures such as weight, hair growth, frequency of illness, etc. If required, take the dog’s photograph to compare it with the old photo later and see what difference you see in the visual appearance.

Raw diet for dogs before and after

Here are some of the health benefits you will observe in your pet

Digestion improves

Raw food is the natural food for your pet. The body structure of your pet is designed to process raw food. The guts do not have to put much effort into processing the food, resulting in improved digestion. 

The digestion system automatically adjusts to its normal function when you serve them food prepared for their body. 

You will also observe the frequency of the poop will decrease. Overall the dog will enjoy healthy guts, which will keep them agile.

Increase activities

You are putting them at risk by offering junk foods or processed food at risk. Junk food slowdowns the mental and motor skill of your body. 

Raw food easily gets digested and offers nutrition quickly. In comparison, the kibble-based diet sticks to the stomach for about 7 to 9 hours. It makes the pet dull because they feel full all the time. 

More energy

You will see changes in the dog’s activities within a few weeks. Pet activities get reduced over time, and they fall sick. 

Raw food also contains a lot of energy, which keeps the dog active the whole day. Your dog will become more alert and spend more time in the garden playing around.

A dog will feel fresh and ready to participate in the different activities. Raw food quickly passes the nutrition to the body, giving an energy boost. 

Also, raw food contains fewer carbs and fillers, so the body becomes obese. It will be hard to make your pet active when their body is not supporting them.

There is no other way than to keep your pet healthy. Avoid unnatural food as much as possible and allow your pet to live a better life. 

If required, take the experts’ help to create your pet’s raw food diet plan. Once you apply the raw food diet for the pet, the improvement will be visible to your pet.

Video Credit – The Pet Collective Cares

Raw food for dog safety

One of the problems with natural food is contamination by bacteria and germs. Human contact spreads the germs through the raw food reaching the pet’s guts. Raw food needs proper handling before it is offered to the pet. 

Consumption of raw food may cause various health problems in the dog, and become sick. Thus, take the help of a veteran before you start applying raw food diet plan for your pet.

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