What does it mean when a dog barks at a cat?

Dogs belong to the predatory category. Cats, birds, and rabbits are species they encounter in wildlife. And there is nothing special about dogs barking when pups see cats.

What does it mean when a dog barks at a cat? When they see small furry animals, they see this as another wildlife approaching them. The first reaction is to create a sound that alerts the other animal. It put them at a safe distance.

What does it mean when a dog barks at a cat?

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Dog jealous of cat attention

Pets are also aware of the situation around them. They are emotional being similar to human nature. When they perceive the owner is giving more attention to another species in the room, in your case, it may be a cat, and the dog may find this as the barrier between you and them. 

Once the cat gets more attention, the dog may find a way to push the cat away from you. A dog may not like any other animal taking away their food or even the emotional bonds they have built with you. 

It is also observable when you have more than one dog in the home. You will notice they will fight to be with you and show empathy towards you, so you pay more attention to them than the other dog. 

Dogs are emotional

Study shows that the animal also feels jealous, and it can be seen when you have more than one pet at home. As soon as you start giving importance to one animal, another will find competition in the game. 

They both will individually put their efforts into impressing you. Like humans, dogs, cats, and any other pet will show similar signs of winning your heart.

Dogs are emotional

Dogs are emotional beings too. They develop a strong bond with their owner as they spend more time with them. Once you and your dog are wholly inclined toward each other, the dog will not allow any other pet to take that position. 

Thus, when you have more than one pet in the home, you should take care of their personal need; else, they will enter into a fight when you are not around. It may hurt both of them, and the home situation will be hostile when you cannot stop them from fighting.

Keep an eye on the following signs in your pet for the other pet in the room.


Aggressive behavior towards the other pet in the room is the most common sign of jealousy. You should calm the dog and train them to live with other pets in the room.

Pet will not respond to your voice

The dog also gets upset and stops reacting to your voice like humans. When you call them, they will not come to you. 

Your dog cannot talk to you, but it will express its feelings with its actions. So instead of believing everything is going well because there is silence in the home, you should observe the situation around you. 

See how the dogs react and whether he responds to your voice when he goes to the bathroom. When the pet is upset, the dog will often not use the indoor litter box. 

A dog may start peeing or pooping anywhere in the home. They are trying to tell you about their feelings.

A dog will stay close to you all the time

When they see their owner is getting away from them, they will do anything to convince you that you should not attend to the other pet in the house. They want to be the only pet that you like the most. 

A dog will try to build affection and stay focused all the time. So the dog will try to entertain you with various activities such as showing empathy, cuddling, licking your hand, and staying close to you all the time. 

They will behave like your loving baby who listens and follows you wherever you go. The dog wants your attention.

Why does my dog attack me for no reason?

puppies diary

Pushy behavior

Sometimes the dog goes beyond its ability to impress you. A dog will become hyperactive and do such things which may bother you. They will run around the home. 

Jump on the couch frequently. Try to follow you all the time, barking continuously. Such pushy behavior is only to create their presence in the room. They want you to attend them as much as possible. Demanding behavior is a sign of jealousy.

Scare of strangers

When they see owners meet some strangers, the dog will become more aggressive and not allow the stranger to stay close to their owner. 

They feel the owner is getting away from them. A dog will not let anyone come close to its owner. A dog will bark, hiss, or growl when anyone tries to have a close encounter with its owner. 

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Playing with your stuff

Your pet will keep an eye on the things that you use regularly. They will try to use those stuff. 

Cats or dogs find the work desk and lie down on the table. They will try to sit on your chair, showing they are part of you. 

Whatever you do in the home, they will also like to try those things, using those devices or playing with them when you are not around. 

These activities show that they have built strong emotional bonding with you. They will not allow anyone to take this place.

Stay away from you

When your pet is upset about you over something, they leave the room and find an alone place. They try to show that they are unhappy with how you treat them. It is typical behavior in the pet and can be observed if you pay close attention to this action. 

Dog wants exclusivity when they love and empathize with each other. When they find their place is taken by someone else, the dog will become mad at you and create distance. 

So you would be aware of these kinds of activities that dogs showcase in the home to avoid getting upset. Treat every pet equally, and do not make them feel less critical.

Dog barking at the cat wagging tail

Generally, wild animals use different signs when interacting with other animals. The cat’s wagging tail is one of the signs they use to showcase the attack position. The cat is trying to threaten the dog, saying to stay away from them. 

Dog barking at the cat wagging tail

Dogs try to safeguard you from unexpected threats. They have a sense of. You might have seen similar behavior when the dog barks and wags its tail simultaneously. 

The wagging tail signifies that you back off because there is some danger in front of you. 

When the dog and cat encounter each other in an unfriendly situation, the cat wiggles its tail to inform the dog about his action; if the dog takes charge of it, the cat tries to say back off the dog. Else, they will have serious consequences. 

In contrast, the downward motion’s tail indicates that the dog is calm and not afraid of anything. Tail only comes into action when a predator is around, and the dog knows someone is sneaking. 

So whenever you see such behavior between the cat and dog, immediately separate them; otherwise, they will end up fighting and hurting each other.

Cat and dog are playing or fighting

It is common for dogs and cats to be in the same room. Body language difference is one sign that will tell you how they react to each other. There will be a time when you will not identify whether the dog is fighting with a cat or playing joyfully. 

If they are fighting, you should know immediately else, and they will end up in a brutal fight and hurt each other. You are the only person in the home who will settle and separate the dispute.

The key to understanding the dogs and cats’ nature is knowing the warning signs. Sure, body signs tell you who is aggressive and shows a calm nature. 

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Is the pet playing in turns?

Generally, the pet gives each other equal opportunity when playing. It is healthy companionship that makes them enjoy their play. 

No one will be dominating in the game, and both will be happy to react to each other actions. It is a clear sign that both are enjoying the play.

Tips for finding how the cat and dogs are reacting to each other gestures

Soft bite

Pet generally bit each other when they are playing. The bite will not hurt because there will be no teeth involved. 

So the soft bite is another sign that the pets are playing and enjoying their gameplay. But if you see they respond more aggressively, the pet will have to develop aggression towards each other.

Introduce a dog to an excited cat

Many dogs and cats find their way to live together happily over time. Although they are a good companion for each other, you should not allow them to stay together immediately. No matter how calm or friendly your pet is, it will become aggressive for them when they see another animal in the home. Create the cat’s presence slowly. 

Introduce a dog to an excited cat

Let the dog digest that the new pet is here and he will be sharing the space from now onward. Keep them separate for a few days and offer them food separately. 

Do not place them close to each other; allow them to see each other so they become comfortable.

Teach them how to stay close to each other. Repeat the process regularly, so it becomes a habit of watching each other do the same daily task. 

Once they are not responding to each other with aggression, you can get them along. Keep an eye on their behavior. 

If you see they are getting into a fight, repeat the first process for a few days more until they become calm and accept the other pet in the home.

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